CySOC Cyber Security Operations Centre​

A 360-degree view of your cyber dimension

Enhancing and strengthening internal and external cyber defence postures
for organisations and critical infrastructures

Dreamlab Technologies’ state-of-the-art CyberSOC (CySOC®)

can make your operations more secure and resilient. It can provide you with a holistic view into your organisation, offering a 360-degree view of your cyber dimension. CySOC® allows critical infrastructure providers and government organisations to monitor, detect and investigate any anomalies that take place within their IP connected infrastructure, by continuously reviewing network traffic and then presenting the collated data in customisable dashboards. As CySOC® encompasses all aspects of an organisation’s cyberspace, it allows the quick exposure, identification and analysis of anomalies and attacks, allowing for both rapid response and proactive mitigation.

Various technology components contribute to complete the CySOC® ecosystem

“Since the deployment of CySOC® we can identify attacks in a quicker, more comprehensive and accurate way. It has proactively helped our organisation’s efforts specifically relating to cybersecurity risk management during our decision-making processes and provided us with an objective assurance that appropriate processes and controls exist to manage potential cyberattacks.”

Michael Kummer, CEO KETAG


A high-level of readiness at all times, proactively anticipating any cyber incident and preventing cyber threats.


Context-aware driven SOC focusing on near real-time threat hunting and attack detection.


Leveraging the SOC to improve your security team’s competence by automatically analysing large volumes of data.


Easily scalable, allowing the addition of supplementary technologies, lines, and different types of data flow.


A highly unified SOC system that can provide the core for future cyber security platforms or can be easily integrated to complement existing platforms within the client ICT infrastructure.


Built on Open-Source technologies, standards, and Open Ecosystems, not tied to any specific vendor or closed ecosystem.


An on-premises solution delivering full data ownership.

CySOC® helps...

Entities to protect themselves from cybersecurity threats, while strengthening their capacity for monitoring, prevention, protection, detection, response to cybersecurity incidents, advice, and support for cybersecurity management.

Organisations to increase their cybersecurity efficiency, as well as reducing the costs of personnel and incident resolution. It improves cybersecurity reporting, whilst also complying with IT principles.

Enhancing the Security of a Critical Electric Infrastructure:

A Swiss Case Study

This case study shows how a provider of electric engineering maintenance services managed to gain valuable and timely intelligence. Implementing CySOC® helped to enhance their cybersecurity risk management through better incident response times and informed mitigation actions, updated procedures and best practices based on post-incident analysis and reporting.